I had tuned out the Tiger Woods stuff until I watched his public apology the other night. Maybe I’m soft. Maybe I feel for his wife and family. I give Tiger credit for a ton of credit for making a public apology to his family, friends and business partners. The look on Tiger's face was sincere and remorseful. He did it directly in front of his mother. That had to have been difficult, but it also added to the authenticity. Elin (pronounced ee-lin) and the children were not present. I wonder if they tuned in?
Tiger has done what many sports heroes haven't been doing lately-- told the truth. True, it took long enough, but I am going to go on a limb and say he also needed to sort out his life and start rehab. That kind of unveiling takes strength and guts. It also shows he has reached the first and second steps of having any problem- admitting it and starting to solve it.
Not sure about you, but I have felt we have been betrayed by many athletes lately. I can’t spew out stats, but there have been too many athletes who have lied about and then admitted to taking performance enhancing drugs. There have been some pretty bad stories about athletes (and actors) gone wild. Tiger got caught… badly. Time to repent and heal.
Tiger, I feel for you and your family. I applaud your guts and wish you a speedy recovery. Forgiveness is the highest and holiest of deeds. Can we as fans be as strong? I’ll try. But I would also like to see how things pan out, and if you actually do what you say you will do.
"Just do it."
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