Saturday, March 15, 2008


Hello. My name is Davida Dinerman. And this is the first entry for my first blog. Many blogs wax eloquent, or not so eloquent, about news of the day, politics, celebrities, technology, health… you name it. There’s a blog for it. Some are meant to post their own news and are truly informative. So, what’s the difference between a blog and an ordinary article you might read in, say, a newspaper or magazine (yes, those archaic things still do exist)? Not much really, except timing to the market. It allows someone to let his/her thoughts out ... well, quickly. Our lives have reached an insanely fast speed. Mine is no better. With a full-time job, a husband (and a fabulous one at that), two young and active children (also fabulous), more family, numerous volunteer activities at the kids’ schools, our synagogue, my college alumni class, tennis team... you get the picture, even the thought of writing a blog seemed like an enormous undertaking that would make the rest of my to-do list crumble from the weight. On the other hand, as I write this, I am actually feeling relaxed. Maybe it’s cathartic. Maybe it’s because it’s a Saturday, and my family is occupied at the moment and not asking me to do something or be somewhere, or a client isn’t calling me to draft a press release or write a PR plan. Maybe a blog will let me write my thoughts unconditionally. Call it a public diary. I will not relate every little thing I do or say. But you will likely find a funny story, a suggestion, a tidbit of information and/or a thought for the day. Could writing a blog actually be good for me? Would you benefit from reading it? All of that remains to be seen. But I might end this entry with one thought…. Oops. Gotta go. My son needs help with his GameCube. You'll have to wait until the next one for a real point.

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