After 12 years here, I have met many fascinating, smart and interesting people. I have made a lot of friends. I don’t socialize much outside of Schwartz with my “work friends,” although I do not discourage that in the least. Then there are neighbor friends. We have lived in Ashland for nine years and are fortunate to have a number of friendly neighbors. The people who live across the street have two boys, so that works for my son. But we don’t go out with them. Our next door neighbors are also wonderful people. Ari plays with their son, but we don’t seem to socialize with them outside of neighborhood events, such as sledding or standing at the busstop. Then, we have friends through our children. But for the most part, the parents speak during drop-off. Sometimes we stay and talk.
We have a number of friends through our synagogue, Temple Israel of Natick.

One could say that everyone at the Temple is our friend, but we do not get together socially with all of them. Another category is our long-time friends – those whom we have known since childhood, through school, as a couple. Many of these friends aren’t on the primary radar anymore for such reasons as location and schedules, and the fact that other friends are more prominent in our lives now. But we stay in touch through holiday cards, email, phone and letters (yes, the thing you use with a stamp and put in the mailbox) when we can. I might also mention those friends who aren’t friends anymore. They simply dropped from your radar. Is there anyone in that category with whom you’d like to connect?
So, what is the point? Friends are important. The saying goes: “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold.” Not sure about the silver and gold, but I like the beginning. It is hard to stay in touch with all of your friends all of the time.
But isn’t it great to hear from someone out of the blue? Why don’t you call a friend you haven’t seen or heard from in a while. He/she might move to a new category.
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