I took Dad to an eye doc appointment today. He was nervous, but I could sense a little less depressed. His eye didn’t look as sore and swollen.
First, a nurse examined his eye and put some drops in to dilate the pupil. He asked the same question he asks every nurse, “Will it get better?” The nurse was patient and positive, saying she’s seen cases like this, and they have resulted in the patient being able to see. They don’t have all of the results back from the lab test, so they still aren’t 100% certain which type of bacteria it is. For now, he’s taking an antibiotic that will zap just about everything.
The doctor came in, and he too was very patient. My father had several questions ready, which the doctor answered as thoroughly as he could. One key element in all of this is that my father has diabetes. Although his blood flow is fine, the blood quality can have an impact on how the eye will heal. This is why he must be very careful to keep his blood sugar at the regulated level. Thanks to my Mom, my Dad has been religious about putting in all of his drops.
The doctor did an ultrasound on the eye. I said, “ooo, the heartbeat… oh, wrong ultrasound.” That got a little chuckle from my Dad anyway.
The infection is clearing and the eye looks better. My Dad still sees only light, but that’s a good sign. He doesn’t have to wear his patch during the day. But he needs to be careful when turning to the right. Still no tennis or driving, of course.
Right now, there is a chance that my Dad will regain the sight in his eye. It could take months, but there is a chance.
After we made the follow-up appointment and were walking to the car, I said, “Dad, if this were me, what would you say?” He said, “I would tell you that the eye is healing and that you should be patient. You should keep a positive attitude.” I said, “Back at you.” He smiled.
He didn’t sigh as much during the ride home. I could sense a glimmer of hope in his being. I am going to do all I can to keep that glimmer of hope alive.
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