At the ripe young age of 26, Justine Henin retired from professional tennis. Everyone has some kind of opinion about this. Was it the right thing to do? What will it do for tennis? But the bottom line is that she felt it was her time to spend time on other things she likes to do. She wants to put more energy into her academy. Maybe she will get married again and have a family of her own. She might have been one of the most focused and driven players on the circuit. The energy she put into her training day in and day out would make any of us faint. She will move on to other projects with the same intensity and passion.
My point? I think we can all learn from such a strong willed and excellent athlete. When I watched her, I felt like I was playing every point with her. And by the way, she’s one of the few players who still has a one-handed backhand.